Luggage storage in Madrid Leave us your suitcase and enjoy - Naturanda

Luggage Storage
in Madrid

Travel comfortably thanks to our luggage storage service in Madrid.

In Naturanda we offer you luggage storage service in the heart of Madrid and we make it easy for you to visit the city without burdens.

We have a place where you can leave your bags, suitcases or any other object for as long as you need. Our staff will be happy to give you all the information you need to make sure you don’t miss anything during your visit to the Spanish capital. Our free WiFi is also at your disposal.

If you visit Seville, we also offer a Luggage Storage Service.

Small luggage

3 the day
  • Bags and backpacks

Medium size luggage

5 the day
  • Medium suitcases

Large luggage

7 the day
  • Large suitcases

Where can you take advantage of our locker service?

Our office is located in Plaza de España, 9, Moncloa (8:00h – 20:00h from Monday to Sunday).

We will take care of your luggage so that you can enjoy your stay in Madrid without worrying about carrying your suitcases all day long. Our prices are fixed according to the size of your luggage, no matter the time as long as it is within our schedule.

We have different plans from 3€ per day, the price of the luggage room varies according to the size of your luggage.

Naturanda Turismo Ambiental S.L ha sido beneficiario del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad; garantizar un mejor uso de las tecnologías de la información y conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo y gracias al que ha conseguido la Implantación de Web-app landing para mejorar la competitividad de su negocio a través de la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías. Esta acción ha tenido lugar durante el ejercicio 2022. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa Competitividad Turística de la Cámara de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Sevilla.Una manera de hacer Europa.