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The ghosts of Maria Luisa Park

Parque Maria Luisa

The Ghosts of Maria Luisa Park in Seville

Ghosts and Legends of Maria Luisa Park

In the heart of the city of Seville we find a beautiful green corner, a sample of the whim of Nature where a thousand and one species of plants and emotions coexist. The beautiful Maria Luisa Park is a place with as much history as it is mysterious.

At one time it was part of the San Telmo Palace and the private gardens of the Infanta María Luisa Fernanda de Borbón, then Duchess of Montpensier. In 1893 she gave them to the old Híspalis. The time made that different reforms of different nature were made, reforms that gave to the park corners that go from the romantic style of the gardens of the Alhambra and the Sevillian Alcazares to the most recent and of the taste of the time.

In 1914 they were extended and on the occasion of the Ibero-American Exhibition of 1929 the emblematic Plaza de España was built, designed by the architect Aníbal González; the Parque de maría Luisa and all its surroundings were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest and is, today, one of the favourite places for Sevillians.

But a series of apparitions and strange phenomena also take place within it. According to witnesses, these are manifestations of ghosts, with a lady in white walking through the gardens, sobbing and crying. It is not just any ghost, it is an illustrious aristocrat, or perhaps they are illustrious because there are two apparitions that could correspond to the Infanta Luisa Fernanda de Borbón herself, Consort of Spain between 1679 and 1689 when she married Carlos II and also of the ghost of Queen Maria Mercedes, so linked to Seville and married to the monarch Alfonso XII – Maria de las Mercedes is that Sevillian ghost that everyone longs for in the history of the city, had a great love for plants and gardens, relating this apparition with his unfortunate person.

If you visit the Park do not forget to pay tribute to Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer in his gazebo, you will be moved. Curiously, the María Luis Park is very close to the San Telmo Palace, today the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucía, where there are also manifestations from the beyond, such as in the beautiful Plaza de España with the evocation of its towers, its Renaissance vestiges, the fineness of its ceramics, the wrought iron of its windows, the wooden coffering of its ceilings; Everything has a place in this incredible space where there are doors that open and close or where the soldiers of the Captaincy have seen the ghost of an old inhabitant wandering around who still seems to be waiting for the return of a golden age that left to never return.

Spectral experiences where reason is lost If you wish to know these and more legends you can visit

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Our Tours in Seville

El Carambolo Treasure


El Carambolo

Stories of lost treasures,legends,lost cultures and civilizations, often feed our imagination and sometimes our greed. The Tartessos treasure is one of them.

Tartessos was an ancient culture that dominated western Andalusia, with great stability and prosperity dominating the trade in the area. Its roots are not clear, for some it was an Indo-European tribe that emigrated to the Iberian Peninsula, for others it was the same Turdetans, for another a culture that emerged on the banks of the Guadalquivir, and for others a reminiscence of a great culture that could have been Atlantis. The medallion found by Professor Juan de Mata Carriazo, the “Bronce Carriazo” directly relates Tartessian art and the native of the Hindustani area.

The Tartessians operated from Tharsis in the province of Huelva and were capable of trade, having dealings with the Phoenicians who had settled in the peninsula, trading in furs, purple dyes, metals… Their city centre enjoyed great prosperity, with built houses and sanitation systems. But the Phoenicians tried to strangle the Tartessian economy by reducing the demand for the products they traded with, which would lead to a reduction in their value… The Tartessian king, Argantonio, negotiated a commercial treaty with the Phoenicians, threatening to expel them from the territory, but they refused… The winds of war were blowing…

Argantonio established a plan of attack that would be to divide his army in two and to assault Gades and Híspalis -Cádiz and Seville, respectfully-. He would lead one army and the other would be commanded by his son Terion. Phoenicians decided to attack the capital, the city of Tartesos. They went up the Guadalquivir in their ships and saw how the city was unguarded, the armies had marched and had no guard. They attacked and set fire to the city… It was a massacre in which old people, women and children, who were the only inhabitants, died.

Argantonio’s army saw the glow of the flames and understood the Phoenician attack, the Tartessian cavalry advanced while the soldiers, on foot, ran to the capital. The trained and strategically placed Phoenicians quickly finished off the tired soldiers…

Bracelet Tesoro Del Carambolo
Los tartesios explotaban las mismas de Tharsis en la provincia de Huelva y eran hábiles comerciales, tenían tratos con los fenicios que se habían instalado en la península comerciando con pieles, tintes púrpuras, metales…
Su centro ciudadano gozaba de una gran prosperidad, con casas edificadas y sistemas de saneamientos. Pero los fenicios pretendieron estrangular la economía tartésica reduciendo la demanda de los productos con los que comerciaban, ello originaría una depreciación de su valor…
El rey tartésico, Argantonio negoció con los fenicios el tratado comercial amenazándolos con expulsarlos del territorio, pero estos se negaron… Soplaban vientos de guerra…
Argantonio estableció un plan de ataque que sería dividir su ejército en dos y asaltar Gades e Híspalis –Cádiz y Sevilla, respectivamente-. Al frente de un ejército iría él mismo, y el otro sería comandado por su hijo Terión.
Los fenicios por su parte decidieron atacar la capital, la ciudad de Tartessos, subieron por el Guadalquivir en sus barcos y comprobaron cómo la ciudad estaba desguarnecida, los ejércitos habían marchado y no tenía guardia. Atacaron e incendiaron la ciudad…
Fue una masacre en la que murieron ancianos, mujeres y niños, que eran los únicos pobladores que se encontraban en ella.
El ejército de Argantonio divisó el resplandor de las llamas y comprendió el ataque fenicio, la caballería tartésica se adelantó mientras la infantería, a pie, corría a la capital. Los fenicios, formado y estratégicamente colocados acabaron rápidamente con los fatigados soldados…

A messenger from Argantonio’s army warned Terion in command of the second body… Argantonio had died along with all the citizens of Tartesos and the king’s army, all dead…

At his feet he placed a cloak which, when unfolded, revealed the king’s jewels, he was now the king and as he put them on he started shouting: “Revenge! Revenge!” and they headed for Hysphalis, the Phoenician city.

When they reached the area of Castilleja de la Cuesta, he ordered them to camp there. From this elevated location they could see the whole Phoenician city, the river and the ships of the invading army. The custom said that the king of Tartesos could not enter into battle wearing the royal jewels and as he had no heir they decided to hide them in a clay pot that they hid in the forest and when they returned they would take them again .

After arousing the Tartessian soldiers, they started to march in the heat of battle… Terion died in it but they won and Hippalis fell next to the primitive culture. After them they started the march to Gades which would also be conquered… Far from founding new cities they repopulated the conquered ones to the Phoenicians with whom later, with their women, they would blend the cultures…

Three hundred years of peace came to the peninsula, the Greek tradesmen who found a very advanced culture and who had as their capital Hyspalis.

On September 30, 1956, in Camas, between this Sevillian town and Castilleja de la Cuesta, in the Cerro del carambolo, some workers found some amphorae. When they broke it, the treasure hidden by King Terion appeared, the Treasure of the carambolo that had waited for millennia until it was found.


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Our Tours in Seville

The White Lady of the Haunted House of San Isidoro

Enchanted Seville

The White Lady of the Haunted
House of San Isidoro

If you are searching for the eternal mysteries of this city, I suggest that you take a walk through its historic centre, along Calle Cuna or in the Plaza de El Salvador. Stop here and taste the cuisine of Sevillian tapas or have a drink at the bars in front of the renovated church. If it is open, enter the temple and admire for yourself the extraordinary renovation of this famous Sevillian temple. From inside, two processions emerge during Holy Week: the Love and Passion. Don’t miss the detail of the Crucificado or Su Nazareno, both are works of art of incalculable beauty.

As you leave the church, if you climb the steep Cuesta del Rosario you will come to San Isidoro, popular for its nearby Plaza de la Alfalfa. In San Isidoro, you can immerse yourself in its narrow streets, with their worn out cobblestones and archaic architecture. When you turn the corner and near Muñoz and Pavón Street, you will find your monthly appointment with the mysterious…

There is a house in which its only tenant does not belong to this world. Dominated by a central courtyard with beautiful columns, this two-story house has a terrible secret… Not even its former inhabitants could bear it, and decided to abandon it to live in a small house on the outskirts of Seville.


One night, after remodelling the house and investing a good amount of money in it, the children of the couple rushed to their parents’ bedroom. They were suffering from an unparalleled fear, they said that a lady would enter their room and stand by the windows, looking out… The adult couple believed that these were children’s inventions and decided not to make a big deal out of it. Days passed, but the attitude of their children did not change. One night there were all sorts of electrical anomalies in the house. In the dark, the father distinguished a beautiful lady who entered the children’s room…

Hurried, sweaty, trembling, and a victim of the tension of the moment, he backed into the courtyard and leaned firmly on the railing. The courtyard was empty and there was no noise, the feeling of loneliness was disturbing. When he reached the door of the children’s room, he saw with astonishment that the beautiful lady stood by one of the windows facing the back street. Standing there motionless, she seemed to be waiting for a love that never returned.

In their beds, the children slept with the sheets almost covering their heads. The lady turned and put a finger over her mouth, asking the house’s new owner for silence, and after that gesture she vanished… Experiencing their young guest caused enough fear that the next day they left their newly purchased house, in order to seek the tranquility of the Aljarafe of Seville

Nowadays the house remains closed, it’s only inhabitant a mysterious lady who still waits, peeking out of a window.

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Our Tours in Seville

La Peña de Arias Montano

Cerdos Iberico Aire Libre Sierra De Huelva

Peña de Arias Montano, Aracena Spain

La Peña de Alájar, History

It is a beautiful location in the province of Huelva, to the north, in the middle of the mountains, among rural aromas and eternal memories. Alájar is a town that has an impressive place: the Peña de Arias Montano. There is the sanctuary to the Virgin, the Queen of the Angels and also a site where the hermits looked for retreat, peace and find their perpetual wonderings. There, in the 5th century, St. Victor was praying, meditating, looking for the peace that among the rest of the mortals he did not find; or the most emblematic in the area -that even gives a nickname to the Rock- as it was Benito Arias Montano, the enigmatic librarian of the king.


The town of Alájar arises as a religious restlessness, normally the towns and villages grew because of a military or defensive motivation, but religious were the less and stranger ones. Thus in the Brotherhood Queen of the Angels of Allah we can read: “From the beginning, Man wanted to dedicate to God, through the devotion to Our Lady of the Angels, impressed by so much beauty and so wide horizons.


In a writing of 1844, by J.M.Pablos Moreno, we are told that the said place was called Desierto de la Peña and that at all times the image of the Virgin has been the refuge of this town and of all the bordering towns in their tribulations and needs. People have come from far away to this holy place to pray for the remedy in which the piety of the faithful has manifested the wonders which the Lady has worked with them.


In 1528 in the “book of Stories and Institutions of the Confraternity of Our Lady of the Angels” we read of a curious intercession in the face of epidemics and droughts, as told by Friar Antonio de Lorca: “The image of the Virgin is frequently visited with particular joy by the people of these vicinity and even far away who come on pilgrimage to fulfill their vows and to gain other favors…”. There, in the hermitage, we are overwhelmed by the ex-votos of so many faithful who have seen their request granted, sometimes miraculously.


The peña is also known as “Peña de Benito Arias Montano”, it was not just any character, it was the librarian of Felipe II, alchemist and hermit who asked for permission to return to Allah, although the king refused, perhaps because of the royal fear (in the monarchical sense and of truthfulness) that he might perfect his already advanced esoteric practices.

Arias Montano had a small room next to the hermitage where it was said that he kept important esoteric documents as well as other more personal ones. 

The legend of the image of the Virgin also weighs on the fact that it was not a French image from the 12th or 13th century but the work of the same angels who gave it to a little shepherd boy.

It is believed, mistakenly or not, that when Arias Montano retired to the Peña the king himself came to visit him and that the librarian left a message hidden among the backs of the books in the library of El Escorial with an important esoteric discovery, reality or fiction?

Under Alájar there is also a group of caves among which the so-called Dark Palace stands out, which is closed to the curious and has the particularity that if we go into it with a compass we will be disoriented since it will not find the north… more info in

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Our Tours in Seville

Dolphins Watching Tours from Seville

Gibraltar Dolphins
Watching Tours from Seville

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Live this memorable experience to the Strait of Gibraltar and witness first hand the different species of dolphins that live in this area.

This narrow body of water is where the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea meet, between the European and African continents.

At its narrowest point, just 14.3 KM or 7.7 miles away, the Strait is one of the busiest ports in the world.

Declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, these waters have much protection to help maintain the various forms of wildlife that live in these waters.

We will leave from Seville to Gibraltar.

Then you will enjoy a 1h30 boat ride through the Strait, respectfully observing the many species of dolphins.


Adults from 18 years old / Students from 18 to 25 years old / Children from 4 to 17 years old / Infants from 0 to 3 years old.

99,00 €
Children 4 to 16 years
79,00 €
Students 17 to 25 years
79,00 €
Babies 0 to 3 years
25,00 €


  • You can check availability in the booking calendar.
  • Booking available until 10h before the start time.

8:45 from Calle Trajano, 6, at 8:50 at the door of Don Paco Hotel, at 9:00 from Calle Rastro, 12A

1h30 approximately tour in the boat to see the dolphins + time of the trip to Gibraltar.

Gibraltar Dolphins Watching Tours from Seville, you will go on a cruise to watch dolphins.

Spanish, English, French and Italian. You can provide us with the language chosen in the reservation form. For other languages, please contact us.

At Naturanda we offer you the possibility to carry out all our activities, excursions and visits for private groups. For more details, please contact us.

We recommend that you wear water and comfortable shoes. In seasons when the temperature is high, sunscreen as well as a change of clothes.

Please do not forget to take your Passport with you. The company is not responsible for problems in customer documentation at the time of access to Gibraltar.

  • As a general rule, all our activities have a cancellation policy up to 24 hours before the start of the tour. In the case of Grenade, this free cancellation policy is 48 hours.
  • Do not carry your passport or vaccination certificate or other documentation required for entry into Gibraltar, no refunds will be accepted.
  • Need more information? Click on our refund and cancellation policy for tours and activities.

If you wish you can consult our section of frequently asked questions by clicking here.

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Lizard of the Cathedral

The Lizard of the Cathedral

The crocodile on the roof of the Patio de los Naranjos

On the grounds of the Cathedral of Seville, hanging from one of the old wooden ceiling beams in the Patio de los Naranjos, you can see something surprising: three objects… A horse bridle of considerable size, a walking stick or command staff, and a life-size crocodile…

Why is there a crocodile on the roof of the Patio de los Naranjos?

When in 1260 the Sultan of Egypt learned of the power of the Kingdom of Castile after the Christian Reconquest, he sent an embassy to King Alfonso X “The Wise” in Seville. The company, besides carrying a purpose of strengthening ties of friendship, had another objective: to ask for the hand of Princess Berenguela.

To achieve this, a large number of gifts were delivered to the Court of Seville, ranging from rich and coloorful fabrics, to elephant tusk (ivory), to wild animals… among them, a giraffe and a rather sociable crocodile that missed its little piece of the Nile.

Alfonso X refused to give Berenguela’s hand to the Sultan with the utmost courtesy, so as not to offend the powerful lord, and in Seville the giraffe and crocodile remained. The king was not sure what to do with the crocodile, so he decided to let it live its life out in one of the pools of the Alcazar.

With the passage of time the crocodile died, and it was decided to embalm the animal. His body was hung in the Patio de los Naranjos of the Cathedral, and next to him the bite and bridle of the giraffe.

In time, the ambassador that the kingdom of Castillo had in Egypt returned, bringing with him the command staff, an insignia representing the king. The king then hung this with the crocodile and the bridle, in memory of those visitors who had come from so far away with such pleasant intentions.

Seville Cathedral Tours

San Luis Street

Calle San Luis Sevilla

La calle San Luis

Between the legends and the reality of Calle San Luis

Within its walls, Seville has a date with mystery and dark legends. In one of the most authentic places in Seville, where the heart of the Macarena district burns with feverish life, a history of ghosts, unusual facts, and incredible events was born…

One of the best known modern stories of ghosts and cursed places in all of Spain was born in Seville. Although it is a story known by our parents and grandparents, it’s always been silenced by force of habit and fear of the paranormal.

Past the church of San Luis de los Franceses there was an old, nearly abandoned plot of land with a never-ending project, although nobody knew why… Security personnel used to last only a short time in that job, saying they heard voices, that “nothingness” called to them in the coldness of the night. The most terrified were those traumatized people who had seen before them an invisible form that left its traces in the dusty, abandoned plot…

“This can only be caused by ghosts”, the foreman of the site said, as he told how the tools moved by themselves. Hands from the beyond seemed to move them, even when they were locked and hung from the hook of a crane many meters above ground… It seemed the work of a wizard rather than of beings from the beyond.

The happenings of ghost stories are always – in the eyes of the enthusiast of these subjects – unlikely events. Many times, too many, they are almost unbelievable events… as long as it does not happen to oneself…

The neighbors of the area were not oblivious to all of this. Some tried to express their testimony of the impossible as best they could, others denied the facts… but in all there was a feeling of unease when they turned their eyes to that cursed site.

A curse seemed to accompany those who lost their lives near the plot… was it the result of the cursed site? This is how a neighbor from Mercury Street described it, after he saw strange, luminous, humanoid silhouettes emerging from the lot and approaching his house… He was so afraid that he ended up inhummanely committing suicide… Another neighbor from San Luis was found dead and locked up inside a trunk, perhaps having hidden in pure panic… A third neighbor hung himself because he, “could not stand the jumps and screams of the children when they left the school in San Luis”. However, the orphanage-school had been abandoned for decades.  At one point a security guard even discharged his weapon at the vision of a spectral nun.

The paranormal researchers who approached the area – from the program “Milenio3” by Iker Jiménez – made a special radio program about it. They recorded psychophonies and collected testimonies from frightened neighbors who had had terrible experiences with beings that, for lack of a better explanation, they described as “ghostly”.

On many occasions it is the past that gives us the keys to the present: While excavating the foundations of this plot, the bodies of ancient inhabitants of the area were found in ceremonial pots, in a kind of necropolis that occupied this space. Also found was a warning tablet, almost predicting the future, whose legend in Latin could be read: “do not disturb the peace of this place”…


“Esto sólo puede ser ocasionado por fantasmas” matizaba el capataz de la obra mientras narraba como las herramientas se movían solas, o que unas manos del más allá parecían moverlas incluso cuando se metían bajo llave y se colgaban del gancho de una grúa a muchos metros de alturas… Parecía obra de un mago más que de seres del más allá.

Contar historias de fantasmas siempre es -a los ojos del aficionado de estos temas- un hecho insólito y muchas veces, demasiadas, no deja de ser un acontecimiento casi increíble…, siempre y cuando no le suceda a uno mismo…

Los vecinos de la zona no eran ajenos a todo ello, unos trataban de expresar su testimonio de lo imposible como mejor podían, otros negaban los hechos…, pero en todos existía un sentimiento de inquietud cuando volvían sus ojos hacía aquel solar maldito.

Porque una maldición parecía acompañar a aquellos que perdieron la vida en sus cercanías… ¿fruto de su maldición? Así se narra como un vecino de la calle Mercurio decía ver extrañas siluetas humanoides luminosas surgir de aquel solar y acercarse hasta su casa… Tanto miedo le provocaba que acabó suicidándose de forma inhumana… También se encontró a otro vecino de San Luis encerrado, y muerto, dentro de un baúl, tal vez escondido de puro pánico… O como un tercer vecino se ahorcó ya que “no soportaba los saltos y gritos de los niños al salir del colegio de San Luis”…

Sin embargo el colegio-hospicio llevaba décadas que ya no desempeñaba aquella labor. Incluso un vigilante de seguridad descarga su arma contra la visión de una monja espectral.

Los investigadores de lo paranormal que hasta allí se acercaron –desde allí el programa “Milenio3”, de Iker Jiménez, realizó un espacio radiofónico especial- grabaron psicofonías y recabaron los testimonios de asustados vecinos que habían tenido terribles experiencias con seres que, a falta de una mejor explicación, describían como “fantasmales”.

En muchas ocasiones es el pasado el que nos da las claves del presente: en el solar, en el proceso de excavación de cimientos, se hallaron los cuerpos contenidos en ánforas de antiguos moradores de la zona, en una especie de necrópolis que ocupó aquel mismo lugar, y una tablilla de advertencia, premonitoria casi, en cuya leyenda en latín podía leerse: “no turbar la paz de éste lugar”…

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Nuestras Visitas en Sevilla

Guided tour of the Ruins of Italica

Visita Guiada Italica

Guided tour of the Ruins of Italica

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Visit the Ruins of Italica

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From the door of the archaeological site, in the municipality of Santiponce, Naturanda will begin the tour of the exciting and ancient Roman city of Italica.

A city that was founded in the year 206 B.C. by General Publius Cornelius Scipio “the African”, with a lot of importance when welcoming members of the legions.

The archaeological site of Italica was of great importance in the Roman world, in ancient Hispania, hence its relevance. Nowadays Italica is the most important archaeological site in the province of Seville.

Once in Italica, our official guide will give you a brief presentation of the place and we will go into the ancient city to discover all the secrets and help you to interpret the place. Ancient streets, mosaics, thermal baths, aqueducts and houses -like Neptune-, will be some of the wonders preserved there that we will have the opportunity to discover.

The city that saw the birth of the emperors Trajano and Adriano, senators of the time and other characters that had weight in the Empire.

We will discover the famous Amphitheatre, the third largest in the world, with capacity for 25,000 spectators and where the famous gladiator fights took place. Recently it has been part of the stage of the popular series Game of Thrones.



Adults from 18 years old / Students from 18 to 25 years old / Children from 4 to 17 years old / Infants from 0 to 3 years old.

16,00 €
10,00 €
Children under 7 years old Free
0,00 €
10,00 €


  • Regular tour Tue – Thu – Sat – Sun.
  • You can check the availability in the reservation calendar.
  • You can reserve a tour up till 10 hours before the start time.

Meeting point at the entrance to the ruins of Italica. Check the calendar for availability at different times of the year.

1h 30min approximately

Access and guided tour in the Ruins of Italica with the company of a professional guide.

Spanish, English, French and Italian. You can provide us with the language chosen in the reservation form. For other languages, please contact us.

At Naturanda we offer you the possibility to carry out all our activities, excursions and visits for private groups. For more details, please contact us.

Cancellations made before 48 hours at the start of the activity, 100% refund. Cancellations made between 48 and 24 hours before the start of the activity, 50% refund. Cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance, will not be refunded.

If you wish you can consult our section of frequently asked questions by clicking here.

If you wish, you can consult the opinions of our clients in TripAdvisor or in our social networks.

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Related Activities

Visit to the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville

Visit to the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville

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More than 2000 reviews

What will we see?

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Through this guided visit to the Museum of Fine Arts in Seville, Naturanda highlights the illustrious Sevillian painter Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. In this guided tour we will bring visitors closer to the most famous works of famous painters and other illustrous artists of different centuries, grouped therein.

The Museum of Fine Arts of Seville was an old convent, de la Merced. It had splendor in the seventeenth century and inside it you can still see all the religious reminiscence of those days in the city where Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer lived at the same time you can marvel at his painting collection.

The Museum of Fine Arts in Seville can boast of being the second most important public art gallery in Spain, after the Prado Museum in Madrid, and inside it houses numerous masterpieces from Romanesque art to the twentieth century.

Visitors can enjoy original pieces of Sevillian baroque painting, where artists such as Zurbarán, Murillo and Valdés Leal, stand out, among others.

We will go deeper into the most unique works of the museum, observing all its details and curiosities that will leave you absorbed in the indescribable works of art that it has.


Adults from 18 years old / Students from 18 to 25 years old / Children from 4 to 17 years old / Infants from 0 to 3 years old.

15,00 €
6,00 €
6,00 €
0,00 €


  • Regular tour Wed – Sun.
  • You can check the availability in the reservation calendar.
  • You can reserve a tour up till 10 hours before the start time.

At 11:00 am. The collection point is in the Tourist Office, Alfonso XII nº35.

1h 30 min approximately.

Professional guide, guide trip inside the Museum of Fine Arts and access tickets.

Spanish and English. You can provide us with the language chosen in the reservation form.

At Naturanda we offer you the possibility to carry out all our activities, excursions and visits for private groups. For more details, please contact us.

If you wish you can consult our section of frequently asked questions by clicking here.

If you wish, you can consult the opinions of our customers on TripAdvisor or on our social networks.

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Related Activities

Visit to a cattle ranch of Toros Bravos in Seville

Visit to a cattle ranch
of Toros Bravos in Seville

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In this half day route we will visit one of the most singular places of the Andalusian countryside: a cattle ranch of Toros Bravos; the bravest pasture you can imagine.

A farm with hundreds of hectares dedicated to bull breeding and where one of the farm managers will welcome us. There we can see the animal in its natural habitat as well as know, first hand, all the details of the management, use and daily life of the toros bravos in their environment.

During our visit we will know the process of selection of the encastes, we will learn about the daily tasks that the farmer faces and we will take a walk through the different facilities, among which is the plaza de tientas

We will walk around the farm to observe closely dozens of copies of Toro Bravo that inhabit the pasture. To finish our visit, we will enjoy a little Andalusian snack before we return to Seville.


Adults from 18 years old / Students from 18 to 25 years old / Children from 4 to 17 years old / Infants from 0 to 3 years old.

89,00 €
59,00 €
59,00 €
0,00 €


  • Regular tour Wed – Sat.
  • You can check the availability in the reservation calendar.
  • You can reserve a tour up till 10 hours before the start time.

Wednesday at 17:00 pm and Saturday at 10:00am. Pick up in your accommodation in Seville or accessible near point. After your reservation, we will get in touch with you to specify the collection point and the exact pick up time.

4 hours approximately.

Professional guide, round trip transportation from Seville, guide trip by the ranch and Toros Bravos watching.

Spanish, English, French and Italian. You can provide us with the language chosen in the reservation form.

At Naturanda we offer you the possibility to carry out all our activities, excursions and visits for private groups. For more details, please contact us.

If you wish you can consult our section of frequently asked questions by clicking here.

If you wish, you can consult the opinions of our customers on TripAdvisor or on our social networks.

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Naturanda Turismo Ambiental S.L ha sido beneficiario del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad; garantizar un mejor uso de las tecnologías de la información y conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo y gracias al que ha conseguido la Implantación de Web-app landing para mejorar la competitividad de su negocio a través de la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías. Esta acción ha tenido lugar durante el ejercicio 2022. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa Competitividad Turística de la Cámara de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Sevilla.Una manera de hacer Europa.